10th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MACHINING, Antalya, Turkey, 7 - 09 November 2019, pp.304-314
Assessment of performance criteria through experimental study is fairly costly and time-consuming.
Therefore finite elements based simulation software is used instead of costly and time-consuming
experimental work. In this paper, a performance assessment was carried out when drilling GGG50
spheroidal graphite cast iron using 4 different drill geometries. The experimental studies were verified by
means of finite elements based analysis method. Deform 3D software was used to simulate chip formation
process and predict outputs such as forces, cutting temperature and chip morphology. In order to examine
the influence of drill geometries on the process outputs, 4 different drill geometries were used. In order to
predict the thrust forces, temperature distribution and the chip form, a series of solutions were employed. A
good agreement was seen between the experimental results and finite element analysis results for the thrust
force and chip form