Application of The Grey Forecasting Model on Flow Structures: The Similar Flow Structure in Sectorial Cavities

Bilgil H., Şafak İ.

III. Internatıonal Scıentıfıc And Vocatıonal Studıes Congress-Engineering, Nevşehir, Turkey, 27 - 28 September 2019, pp.309-315

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Nevşehir
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.309-315
  • Kayseri University Affiliated: No


The flow structures in the double symmetrical flow regions such as rectangular cavity strongly depends on the cavity aspect ratio, A

(height to width). The aspect ratio of the rectangular cavity is a control parameter such that flow structures with the same aspect ratio

are similar.

The definition of aspect ratio for sectoral cavities is more complex than rectangular. The flow is governed by three physical control

parameters within a sectorial cavity: the cavity aspect ratio, A =r1/r2 (where r1 and r2 are the radii of the inner and outer curved side-

walls, respectively) ; the ratio (S =U1/U2) of the upper to the lower lid speed and the cavity angle θ. If θ is fixed, the flow structures with

the same aspect ratio, A, are similar. If the cavity angle is fixed, the flow structures is the same as long as aspect ratio is kept constant. However, for two cavities, in which the cavity angles are different, it appears that the flow structures are not similar, even if the aspect ratios are the same value.

In this article, we used the grey modelling theory on flow structures in the sectorial cavity. Therefore, it was shown at which aspect

ratios similar flow structures could be obtained in sectorial cavities with different angle.