Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, cilt.2016, sa.july, ss.573-584, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)
© The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.In this paper, the research data about "Evaluation of Anatolian Pedagogy Approaches of the Parents " is examined by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Multivariate Regression Analysis and these results are compared with each other’s. When used parametric input associated with child education, with an approach that produces results using the learning abilities of people, just that generates output by looking at the linearity of the relationship has been observed differences between the two systems. For training approach are chosen Anatolian (Traditional), Contemporary and Mixed (Traditional and Contemporary) pedagogical approaches. The aim of this study is to show that by using ANN, new information discovered, produced by imitating the human brain, and the results that are obtained automatically with modeling mathematical approach can be used to help the classic statistical computation systems on both of social and educational problems. Thus, when they are presented as input different educational and social approaches, it was shown to produce realistic results of the outputs obtained by ANN to the correct education approach accepted in the community.