Mühendislik bilimleri ve araştırmaları dergisi (Online), vol.4, no.2, pp.164-172, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
In this article, 10, 16, and 24-Element of Linear Antenna Arrays (LAAs)
synthesis are carried out with 3 different novel physics-based metaheuristic
methods. These methods are called Archimedes Optimization Algorithm
(AOA), Crystal Structure Algorithm (CryStAl), and Lichtenberg Algorithm
(LA). While performing the LAA synthesis, Half Power Beam Width (HPBW),
which is related to the directivity of the antenna, is also taken into account. The
methods proposed in this study are run independently 30 times to obtain the
statistical values of LAA synthesis. The minimum, maximum, median, and
standard deviation values of the SLL and HPBW of the radiation patterns
obtained as a result of these runs are tabulated. The performances of these three
proposed novel physics-based optimization methods are given comparatively.
In all simulation studies, the CryStAl method generally showed the best