The World Cadastre Summit, İstanbul, Turkey, 20 - 24 April 2015, no.1505656, pp.200-207
Modern (Multi-Purpose) Land Administration Systems have difficulty in managing up-to-date
land parcel types. Managing external land use/cover information together with land parcels in
an integrated manner may be a robust solution to this problem. In this study, inspired from
common international land use/cover classification systems (FAO Land Cover Classification
System, CORINE land cover and INSPIRE land use/cover theme) and spatial data management
issues within agricultural policy implementation both in EU and in Turkey, a new land
use/cover classification system was designed and land use/cover data sets was produced for
three districts in Kayseri Province of Turkey. Further, rules for the integration of land use/cover
data with cadastral land parcel data and accordingly updating/maintenance procedures were
defined. Due to complexity of updating and maintenance procedures, use of crowd sourcing
techniques with the contribution of related government agencies and also citizens was proposed.
The study has been continuing as a component of a national project no 112Y027 that is
financially supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.