Exceptional Children

Creative Commons License

Karabulut R.

in: Handbook of Research on Prenatal, Postnatal, and Early Childhood Development, PROF.DR.NERİMAN ARAL, Editor, IGI GLOBAL, Alabama, pp.87-97, 2020

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter / Chapter Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Publisher: IGI GLOBAL
  • City: Alabama
  • Page Numbers: pp.87-97
  • Editors: PROF.DR.NERİMAN ARAL, Editor
  • Kayseri University Affiliated: No


In addition to the children who show typical development, there are also children who show atypical development. Individuals whose development varies compared to their peers and whose differences are identified by experts are called individuals with special needs. Individuals with special needs can be children with intellectual disabilities, sight, hearing impairment, language and speech disorders, physical disability and chronic illness, specific learning difficulties, children with autism spectrum disorder and gifted children. The causes of special needs are generally prenatal causes, which can often be hereditary and can be classified as natal and postnatal. The identification of individuals with special needs from early ages and the use of appropriate intervention methods are vital for these children. Children who are happy and a future producing part of society due to early recognition and accurate education methods are directly related to the quality of the intervention performed.