Mediating Role of Adhocracy Culture in the Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Organizational Performance of Businesses

Aykan E., Akcadag M.

2nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All (ICLEL), Liepaja, Latvia, 21 - 23 July 2016, pp.458-467 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Liepaja
  • Country: Latvia
  • Page Numbers: pp.458-467
  • Kayseri University Affiliated: No


In this study, the effects of entrepreneurial orientation resulting in high performance of ever-changing and developing dynamic businesses were investigated and the mediating role of adhocracy culture providing an environment for risk-taking, entrepreneurship, innovatives and creativity in these effects was evaluated. Research universe was composed of 700 manufacturing firms operating in Kayseri Organized Industrial Region of Turkey. A questionnaire form composed of 4 sections was used to gather research data. The entrepreneurial orientation was composed of innovativeness, risk-taking tendency, proactivity and competitive aggression sub-dimensions. Current findings revealed that proactivity and competitive aggression dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation had significant positive effects on firm performance, but innovativeness and risk-taking tendency did not have such positive effects. It was observed that proactivity, risk-taking tendency and competitive aggression dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation affected adhocracy culture, but innovativeness did not affect adhocracy culture. It was also observed that adhocracy culture had a mediating role in the effect of proactivity dimension of entrepreneurial orientation on organizational performance.